Wow, I didn't realize it had been 8 days since my last post. Oups.
So last weekend was my first race of the season. I have mixed feelings. As I'm sure I mentioned in my previsoue posts I hadn't been feeling good on the bike for about a week. I still haven't felt good on teh bike since. So the race started OK. They moved the start forward, so I didn't get a warmup at all. Oh well. One of the big desciders of this race is a fair sized climb (a few k long) just 10k into the 100k (60 miles) race. Usually if you make it over the climb OK you'll finish in the top half. So with this being my first race I was rather nervouse and was also fairly sure I would get "dropped" (or rather not make the 1st split) on that climb. Up until the climb I did as I had been told and covered a few breaks at the front. We were to have a rider in every single break. Come the hill I felt a lot lot better than expected, so that was nice. But then repetivness of the hills and the strong cross winds took their toll. I got dropped going over the top of a hill, sat in the caravan for a while and got annoyed with one of the car that kept letting gaps open in the caravan, eventualy, after much chasing and yoyoing through the cars I got back into the race. But after a little more time I once again dropped and figured that was it for me. I quite simply am missing intervals. So I rode alone for about 30-45mins before the first chase group caught me... we rode into the finish together, did a joke sprint at the finish (joke because the race had been won 3 hours earlier) to finish in the top 50 or so. I had a case of toilet rush durring the race. It really hit about half way through. I had spent most of the morning getting intamate with the toilet and things weren't looking much better by the evening. I found out later that Francois Chulda (one of my team mates) also had some "shit" problems.
Well that's the race. I had riden a total of 3 hours all that week before the race because I had a fair bit of school work. My training is still inconsistent. The previous week I had done about 11hrs, and this week I have got in 13hrs. My training yoyos all the time. I also actually put on some weight which is a bit strange and worrying.
so monday after the race one of my classes was cancelled, so I got in 3 hours, a nice little bonus ride Tuesday (I'm usually in school all day) for a 1.5 hour sunny ride. Wed was all day of classes, thursday I got in 4 hours of riding and also got to ride with Alphonce who I hadn't seen for a while.. (I felt like shit all day, all week in fact), firday I did 2 rides and got in 2.5 hrs I think, or maybe it was 3... so I'm feeling pretty happy I got in some riding this week. Even if it doesn't show this weekend (which it won't) it's good long term.
Apart from that Darren finished 4th overall in the Giro del Capo after a "bad" time trial as he says (I thought it was rather good) where he "only" finished 6th. He also finished 4th overall int he points and took out the King of the Mountains jersey... so that was pretty sweet to follow! Good on him for that.
I haven't seen John for a while. The team asked him to stay at home as a young rider was spending the night at the team house. They've also put in a washing machine for him, which is really fucking nice of them. That's a little bit of their budget and there is a laundramat just up the street, so that'll be really sweet for him. The team is also getting him a team bike afterall, so... sweet.
I STILL haven't had my TT bars returned, so out a TT bike and I'm missing it bit time!
Ok well, that'll do for now. I have a pretty heavy school week ahead of me, so... great.
Oh yeah, one last thing... (Mitch.. GET BACK TO WORK!!!)