Sunday, January 16, 2005

Running away from a fake winter.

Well, winter plods on. Although I’m not sure you can really call it winter. We’ve had over a week’s worth of really nice weather. All the windows in the house are open, and it is so warm that I was even able to take a shower with the bathroom window open.

Sadly, I haven’t been able to make this most of the weather. I’ve been sick. I felt better for a couple of days mid week, but have now come down with something different. Add that to the fact that this is exam time… and the result is that my bikes are starting to gather dust.

I went on for a a few rides last week. I tried to ride alone as I really wasn’t feeling good and wanted to be able to come home if I felt bad. I was then talked into running a 10km race last Sunday. There were 240 people on the start line… it was hard and fast. The winter is ranked 5th in the world… or in France… I don’t remember, they’re runners, if there aren’t any wheels involved, it means little to me.

The big road races start soon, about a week after my last exam, so I’ll really out of shape and hating every minute of the race… I can’t wait. :-)

Well… I’d better go and stick my nose in some books, while the sun shines on others out hitting the blacktop.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Better late than never

Wooow.. how long has it been???

Sorry folks. I’ve been away in the UK for x-mas… and I’ve been sick for a little while.

I’ve also got a load of work that I’m getting behind on… so… I know… I really need to keep this thing up to date.

More soon

All the best to all of you.
Happy New Year.