Thursday, August 23, 2007

15 mins of Fame

For those of you who haven't heard yet. Pro Cycling Magazine came out with us at Bikestyletours and rode the Port de Bales. This was a while ago of course, it was before the Tour. Anyway the article came out a little while ago, and so here is my fifteen minutes of fame... well, 15 minutes of something, not sure what but...

Spot the idiot: There he is on the left
(click on pic for larger image)

Anyway they did a great article, and it is available at your local newsagents, book store, friend's house, or bathroom if you are a bloke (why is it only blokes seem to read on the toilet...)

Anyone hunting for autographs please call my agent directly, his name is Bill Sheet, and you can e-mail him at

They also did another article, basically on us riding up a hill... that one should be out either in the Winter or in March 2008... so... don't hold your breath just yet.

The only way is up... unless you turn around of course!
(click on pic for larger image)

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