Yesterday was a bit of an odd day. I haven't been on the bike since last sunday, and was starting to feel really really guilty about it. I'm thinking on go on the Sunday group ride here in Chateauroux again, but I would need at least 1 ride during the week if I want to do that. So with no motivation what so ever I finally hauled my ass out on the bike. What the F***? I felt like a rocket ship! I was flying. Nice high steady heart-rate that was easy to keep high, nice fast pace with well retimed pedal stroke. I don't get it. Now I wasn't using the Power-Tap, and I'm pretty sure that the numbers wouldn't have been phenomenal. But they wouldn't have been bad I can assure you. As I neared home I started to worry a bit. I often have a really really great day just before I get sick. And Gaelle my girl-friend is sick at the moment, so... I'm worried that might be it.
There's no other explanation... I've bee off the bike slacking too much to be in actual good shape.
Oh well, any cold I get will be taken care of once I hit the hot and sunny little island over the other side of the world!!!!!
Oh yeah, and did I mention winter has hit here? I can't believe it. I thought I would miss it all. October is often really nice here. I've been out there in full winter clothing. Actually I haven't got my full winter clothing up here, all I've got is the stuff I took to Cameroon, but I've been riding with all the jerseys I have, leg-warmers (I should be wearing tights it is that cold) and a nice warm wooly hat!!!
Yep, I can't wait for OZ!
There's no other explanation... I've bee off the bike slacking too much to be in actual good shape.
Oh well, any cold I get will be taken care of once I hit the hot and sunny little island over the other side of the world!!!!!
Oh yeah, and did I mention winter has hit here? I can't believe it. I thought I would miss it all. October is often really nice here. I've been out there in full winter clothing. Actually I haven't got my full winter clothing up here, all I've got is the stuff I took to Cameroon, but I've been riding with all the jerseys I have, leg-warmers (I should be wearing tights it is that cold) and a nice warm wooly hat!!!
Yep, I can't wait for OZ!
Um...... lesseee. LOTS of miles and then....REST!! Fitness comes in recovery!! SHOCKER you had good form. GOod for you. No get over here and see the new shop!!
IS the new shop open? Wicked!!! I'm thinking summer or maybe early cycling season 2008...
Can't wait!
Thanks Larry
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