Saturday, November 10, 2007

Long ride and Cross pics

CycloCross pics (click on pics for larger images)

I spoke to my buddy Alphonce today. He lives in Carcassonne and I rare get to see him anymore. It looks like the CX race tomorrow might be the only real chance I get to see him before I leave. He also told me he had seen pics of last weekend's Cross race that I did. So with his guidance I went hunting and found them. Seeing as I have little else to write about these days... apart from being sick and leaving for Aus next Sunday... I thought I may as well share some of the CX pics.
Sim's chain slipped off 4 times, leaving his teammate Sylvain to ride away from him for 11th place

While Villemur/Mapei team mates Laurent Marty and ex-US Postal stagiaire and ex-French National Champ Julien Almensa rode away for 4th and 1st respectfully

Long ride 2day
I went to the Doc's yesterday and found out that the reason I've been feeling a bit shit, is quite simply because I'm sick. I thought it was just the change in the weather and what have you, but no. So I am taking a whole bunch of medicines. Great. Part of the reason I was so keen on going to Australia for the winter was to avoid the cold here and avoid getting sick. Oh well. That's life.

I hesitated to go out on the bike today. I didn't touch the bike yesterday as I felt terrible. Really tired and ill. It was a little sunny out today so I hauled my ass out the door and went into Albi to join a group I sometimes ride with in the winter. As it turned out I didn't feel too bad on the bike, and I got in a nice 3.5 hours with 4 intervals. I felt OK and wouldn't have minded extending the ride a little, but I didn't think it was wise. Especially as I'm planning to do a CycloCross race tomorrow.

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