Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Riding and Roo spotting

This morning was back on the bike for some big gear hill intervals with Craig. After making the legs burn at 45rpm for about 1.5 hours we were at the coffee shop having our traditional morning coffee overlooking the blue waters. After that beautiful moment of relaxation, I headed out for a further 2 hours on my own while Craig went to work.
All in all it was a good day of riding. My wattage and numbers and what have you showed that I am not in quite as bad a shape as I thought. We'll have to see what the numbers say over the rest of the week, but I might have just been a bit tired from the traveling and not having ridden for 6 weeks... that might be why I hadn't been feeling too good. Either way things will come around with some solid miles in the legs, so it's all good!

PowerTap sent me a new USB download so I can now download my rides here in Aus. Once again the guys at PowerTap have been really great and helpful and have really helped me out. So another BIG thankyou to them! And specifically Jereme Nofke.

Roo spotting
As I was just taking a little break from doing some work (at home on the computer) Craig called me and told me someone had seen some kangaroos just outside of town. So I grabbed my camera, hopped on the bike and wound my way through the housing estates to this "prime Kanga' location." Just as I got there I saw a big roo gently bound off into the woods. Then 3 kids on bikes came round the corner on the patch of grass the Kangaroo had been grazing on. So I guess the kids scared him away. I am both very excited to have seen a real, true, free roaming Roo, and also very very disappointed not to have got him on camera. :-(

Oh well... I still have time, and I WILL get one!

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