Saturday, December 27, 2008

Boxing Day

5am, the alarm rings to the tune of Paul Simon's "The sound of Silence". Ugh, I hate alarms. Role over, the sounds will go away...
Sadly the Sound of Silence persists, so I get up, stumble into the kitchen and grab a bowl. In goes the cornflakes and a chopped up banana... followed closely by the milk that miraculously stays within the contours of the bowl. I flop into a seat, eyes half open, and start gingerly shoveling food into my mouth. Next thing I know I'm clad in French Lycra riding down the wrong side of the road on an Australian highway heading to the "Coffee Club" in Mooloolaba to join a few people for a pre planned long ride.

Turns out there is a big group out there, including recently retired Pro cyclist Henk Vogels. And so we embark on a longish ride into the hills inland from the coastal magnet that seemingly attracts all Australian buildings, leaving the back-country devoid of life. The pace is slow to start with and remains slow for a fair bit of the ride. This part of the world is littered with short steep hills. The kind of hill I hate. It reminds me of Africa a bit, or of the US. The roads are so new that they haven't had the time to "settle" into the countryside like they have in Europe through centuries of Romans and clunky old Citroen 2CVs trundling along them. Here they seem to just shove down the tar-mack over whatever is infront of them without cutting out roads.

After a couple hours of pleasant and quiet country roads in a group of cheerful and friendly Aussies, we come to an intersection. One way leads home, the other leads to a 6km climb. I persuade Tahlia (a young member of the Queensland Institute of Sport) to make a left turn towards the climb while everyone else heads home.

Tahlia has got some races coming up, so she's in "real" training. I thus get roped into doing some 30second sprint intervals up the 6km climb of Montville. Montville is a great little local climb, that takes you up the side of a hill through Eucalyptus trees. Half way up the climb, the trees disappear leaving you with a stunning view all the way back to the coast. The intervals were painful. I have not done any form of interval for about 2.5 or 3 months, and having just got back into regular riding a week and a half ago after my 3 or 4 week winter break, I was in the hurt box and seeing stars!

The Climb up to Montville with stunning views of the coast...

Still it was a fun ride, and the reward after a steady spin back home with 3.5 hours on the clock was a cool fresh fruit juice in Mooloolaba by the blue ocean...

Life.... is... tough! :-)

X-mas Day

Food food food and more food, with plenty of beer...
A perfect Christmas day, sunny and warm yet not too hot, a morning ride followed by coffee on the beach.

That's a big fish...

Then it was time to get the Bar BQ crankin' and do us some eatin' and drinkin'. Shep prepared a great spread of chicken, fish, shrimp, salads etc etc (the list is long), which was only interrupted every 10 minutes with Shep's excited call of "BEER ANYONE?"

French wanabee Australian: "BEER ANYONE?"

Once food was ready we sat down to an afternoon long meal, before tucking into a desert of Blockus (a board game) before heading out for a paddle in the boat... we suffered a few "ma-overboard" moments but shark attacks were luckily avoided on this December day!

Hey yo, hey ho, it's off to boat we go....


"Tis the season to be silly, tra la la la laaaa, la la la laaaa...."

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Oh dear oh dear... Christmas is upon us once again.Here's wishing you all very merry Christmas... Personally I am back down in the southern Hemisphere getting away from the cold and winter of my native France for the second year in a row (and loving it I might add!!!). Christmas day will kick off with a 3+ hour group ride in the morning with a few very dear friends, followed by the traditional (traditional for this upside-down world of Aussie Rules) Christmas Barbeque with some well deserved cold beers. Whilst I'm at it, I'd like to send out a special Christmas wish to: the 6am Mooloolaba Coffee Club riding group (Shuttles, Tahlia, Jeff, Wendy, Evan...); the Warrenton Cycling Center in the USA, Darren and Lychelle Lill in South Africa; my buddies and training partners in my home area of the Tarn in France (best training place in the world BTW), and of course my mom Pat, My Grandad and my uncle and Auntie Dees and Mike.
So, Cheers! Bottoms up, and Merry face-stuffing. :-)

And hopefully you'll all have less of a hang over than this guy will tomorrow morning!!! ;-)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Australian Drivers Beware.

Australia is one of the most stunning places I have ever been. And I must say it is GREAT to be back here. Great weather, stunning scenery and lots of good riding with great people. The Aussies are a great people too... except for the driver who are probably the worst I have come across world wide.

Aussie bike riders seem to let themselves get pushed around by cars, and don't enforce their right to be on the road. In France we let back drivers know when they aren't playing fair.

So here's what happened to the last driver who annoyed me! So Aussie drivers beware.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Kilos of good food.

The cold spell in the US had me off my bike for a few weeks... combine that with deep fried everything covered in "out-of-a-can "sauces over there and I landed in AUS with a few extra kilos hanging off my usually bony frame. Now granted some of those extra kilos might have been water retention etc from the flight (or at least that's what I keep telling myself), but a few days of good rides and the return to some good wholesome summer food of fresh veggies and tasty salads with olive oil have me heading back down towards a healthy weight.

From snow to sun

A couple days before jumping on the plane for a nice 3 day flight of 26 hours (confusing huh?! the date line comes into it somwhere) we took part in the FREEZING cold Christmas Parade in Warrenton on our bikes with a few people from the warrenton bike shop (

And then it was off to the sun soaked beaches of Queensland Australia...

The flight wasn't all that bad. Getting here to the sun wasn't as strange as I thought it would be, it was just plain heaven.

Graig took a day off work and came to pic us up in Brisbane, and kindly took us straight to the Coffee Club coffee shop right on the beach to sit and sip coffee while taking in the heavenly, sunny, hot view. Ahhhh..... We're here!

Sim gets new Time Machine

I've got a new Time Trial bike. Just before leaving the US for Sunny Australia I got my hands on this sexy BMC time trial bike. I'm still playing around with the position a little bit, but this is one sweet ride.