Friday, March 20, 2009

Southern Discomfort? Cold Discomfort.

Southern Discomfort... Technically Virginia is in the "South" of the US... but the weather recently has been descidedly norther... Cold Discomfort!

The weather here in the US is getting ridiculous. It barely edges over 10 degrees if we are lucky on a good day. At home in France it is around the 20 degrees every day, and here the winter seems to hanging on for dear life. I still don't have any news from United Airline about my check for my broken bike, and I still don't have a bike I can ride that isn't about to fail on me any minute. This just means I'm doing relatively easy ride on the road bike... so much for all that good solid work from 3 months on the Sunshine Coast. I would get out and do a load of longer intervals on my Time Trial bike but the cold is affecting my lungs and I'm getting hints of Asthma again that I hadn't had for months. Oh well, I guess it's still almost 3 months before I want to be really fit. So no too much to worry about just yet.

Apart from that there's nothing to report. Not much happening really. Oh, there is one thing, which is quite something after spending my time sitting at the beach sipping coffee... I can NOT get a good coffee for some reason. All the coffees from Starbucks seem to be served in massive great big cups, so not only does the coffee not have any depth, it has no head, no flavor and it goes cold really quickly as it's spread thinly over a large area... Yanks, phuh. ;-)

On the plus side they do have shops full of really great things at dirt cheap prices. It makes me want to get all sorts of stuff. They have got that right over here no doubt!

Well, it's -2 outside and I have to go riding. :-(


Kathie Reid-Bevington said...

Yikes! Welcome to the U.S.?!.....

simjetlag said...

I know. I should have gone straight back to Europe where it is warm and there are loads of races... and I have spare bikes!

You wouldn't know anyone in Texas, Arizona, SoCal, Nevada or even the Sahara I could stay with for a few weeks would ya? :-)

How's life? Anything esciting coming up to cover?