Friday, May 29, 2009

to the hills.....!

Time Flies!!! I’ve been back home a little over a week already! Nuts.

Well, you know it’s summer when:

- You sneeze every minute from hay-fever,
- The narrow French roads are melting and your tires make a sticky whirring noise as you ride through the wet tar.
- The Boucles du Tarn is tomorrow
- Tomatoes are starting to grow in my garden
- I actually find sweat dripping down my face on a recovery ride
- You start having to think about the Tour de France
- You eat more veg than anything else
- You can’t find your leg and arm warmers
- You’re happy!

Tomorros is the 150km Boucles du Tarn. Probably my favourit race of all time. Big names like Vinokourov, VandeVelde, Bocharov, Jalabert, etc etc have won this race in the past. I’ve always wanted to do well at this race but have either not been in shape due to whatever reason, or have had to miss the race. The only time I was fit for it was last year, when we had a guy in the break, which blocked the rest of us a bit, and finished 17th (team mate finished 9th) and the rest of the team where behind us. Top 20 it that race is pretty darn good, and I was pretty flippin’ happy with that.
Tomorrow however we have more riders that spots in the team cars, so a couple of us will have to ride 30k back to our own cars/the hotel. I’m pretty sure I’ll be one of those riders. :-)

Then Sunday morning I’m leaving at 5am for the 5 hour drive to Barcelona to work with Thompson Bike tours at TransPyrenees! We’ll be doing some big rides through my beloved Pyrenees. Days of 150 and 160k, (I think the shortest day 97km) some days with 3 or 4 major climbs. I can’t wait!!!


Luke Shilling said...

ahaha! i like the one about the arm warmers. normally that happens when winter comes on and i'm turning the room upside down trying to find them.

@B king of mtb said...

hey sweeeeeeeeet ... summer is here and I'm watching for the pyr' too, have nice rides see y@