Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Phycocross? What should I do?

So that’s looking like it. 3 TTs taking me to the end of yet another fast gone by season. Though I must admit I am kicking around the idea of doing a CycloCross season over there in the good old US of A. That’ll depend on a few things… and when I say “do a CX season”, I of course mean show up and get my ass kicked. It’s been YEARS since I’ve done a CX season, and the US always had good fun courses if I remember right, so that could be kind of fun. And could be a way of keeping me on the bike through a winter away from the beaches and sunshine.

So what should I do? should I do a CX season once again? Send in your advice on a 56cm Ti frame with New Dura Ace to:

666 Lost Village Road,

81645 Wankersville,


(I've been listening to WAY too much "Car-Talk".)

1 comment:

crispy said...

Hehe, very funny.

A lot of my friends love cross, but I can't get into it - it's like racing a crit on mud and grass from what I have seen.

But it seems to get more popular every year...