Monday, November 16, 2009

Puzzlin' Cross Scenes

Some things I’ve seen at cross races. Some people… I don’t know.. sometimes you see stuff that just makes you frown and wonder…

Soooo… What’s with the socks? Are those compression socks… really? In a 30 or 40 min CX race? Hmmm…. I do like the look though. Gulp. Not that I can really talk with my ulgy miss-matched kit, but I don't really have a choice about that...
This is a cracker… looks like some kind of new integrated bib-seat. I like it! Might make getting on and off the bike a little hard though… so, I guess this chap just really wanted to spend the whole day in his cycling shorts… even when in normal clothes. Nice.
And then of course there’s this guy…. (Currently atop the website banner)

He has been popping up here and there at Cross races this year. Somebody once made a comment about him smiling.. or maybe it was about his lack of smile… well, I quite simply couldn’t resist the opportunity to post a photo of Greg in his get-up once again, just to give old Gregburt a hard time for the sake of giving him a hard time… if I keep this up he might not let me stay with him anymore and will kick me out of the house…. That’s ok, I’ll fill him with Espressos’
and bribe him with.. oh I don’t know, say THIS pic (again!) (from
Sorry Greg… it’s stronger than me, I just can’t help being a jackass! And I am up at 3am for god knows what reason, I'll blame it on that!

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