Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Battenkill Part 2 out now and SnowCross!

Here's the latest and the greatest hot off the press from the guys at Pezcyclingnews.com. Part 2 of my Battenkill article is out now.


Oddly enough, this was published on Dec 6th, my Birthday. Even odder still, I did a cyclocross race on Dec 6th and wouldn't you know that Pez Photographer Darrel Parks was there to snap some shots of me riding around in the mud and snow. So it was a Pez Cyclingnews day all around!

The cross race was really good fun. Thick snow and the worst mud I have seen in a very VERY long time graced us with their presence. The race turned out to be really good fun, a fantastic course and a solid hour of pain I was very happy to give myself as a birthday present.

Looks out for an article on Pez about the Capitol Cross race in Reston, put on by my old buddy Chip Sovek and Potomac Velo Club, coming soon! (Once I write it anyway... and then get is to the editor... and they publish it; so don't hold your breath.)


alfunsia de la punta said...

BEUH EUHHHH EUHHH BEUHH, happy birthday dude, still no cx for me just mtb and running
on trails, have nice races and more positive things " 'fin jme comprends"
take care, @B

simjetlag said...

ah hah... pas de CX, mais c'est quoi cet merde?????? Y'a les Championnat Nationaux de CX FSGT pres de Toulouse, t'aurais pu marche cong!!!! Enfin. Merci mec, moi je me suis regaler!!! Un froid de canard, une neige de chez neige, un truc de fou, mais c'etait trop bien, enfin, bo trien quoi.... "'fin moi aussie jme conpreds koi!"

Je reviens dans 1 mois.. un petit moi c tou! On poura roulotinarader!