With a slightly warmer day on the radar a little while ago, a few of us jumped at the opportunity to get in a few miles. Chris Gould, John Parks, John Neusbaum and myself met up in Warrenton at 11am for a couple hours of riding and chatting. It was cold as heck. All was going well until we came across a stretch of road with some snow in the middle. We rode on either side of the little stretch of snow, until Chris Gould who was first in line hit some black ice as we headed up a slight incline. His rear wheel went one way, he went the other and hit the floor. I was right behind him and found myself sliding across the ice in now time, eventually turning onto my feet and hands and eventually coming to a stop just in time to see John Parks on his back sliding towards me and only coming to a stop once he got tangled up with my bike on the side of the road. John had some road rash on his butt and forw-arm, Chris cut his chin pretty deep and cut his jersey upon his chest. I got nothing. I think I was wearing so many layers (2 jerseys, 2 thick thermal jackets etc) that I was more like a michelin man bouncy-ball when I hit the ground. No one was seriously hurt, least of all John Neusbaum who didn't even see fit to hit the ground with us and join in the fun. The rest of the ride was fine, though we kept getting nervous every time we saw a shaded dark patch on the road. The crash scene was quite comedic. The three of us crashing looked like cards going down one after the other. The Three Stooges indeed!
Moral of the story is: don't ride in cold countries. I'm going to start a petition to ban cold weather. There are so many other rules and regulations in the US that I figure no one would even notice this one... and if anyone opposes my idea, I'll just sue them. :-)
I'll be back in France on Monday, where the temperatures are a little better.... but it is raining. :-(
Stay safe people, and stay out of the cold!
Can I be the first to sign the petition?
Sign away my friend, and get everyone you know to sign up too! We'll put an end to cold weather once and for all!
Have you checked the weather in Europe? Just as cold and snowy there I do believe.... Good luck, mate.
In Europe???? Well, erm... Europe is a rather large place made up of many different countries. Which part of Europe? Back home it is actually pretty crappy, but it's still above freezing. And although it's raining for a fair bit of the time, at least there isn't thick ice ont he roads. Though I'm really REALLY not looking forward to the rain!!!! As for snow. We don't really get snow where I live. It might dust the ground for a bit but is long gone within hours. I might start an anti-rain petition too actually... lets ban rain while we're at it!!!
beuh euh euh bonne année !!!!!!!!!
Uh, i meant your part of Europe. :-) Toulouse and Albi were forecasting snow next week. Enjoy.
Yeah I saw that about the snow.. sucks. It's been so much nicer there than here for the past month... and now...
C'est la vie. But Albi will probably be ok. Most of the crap tends to just miss us. Fingers crossed.
@B: Beuuhhh beuh. Je rentre le 11! G pas rouler depuis la premiere semaine de Dec. :-( Donc on ira rouler, mais... a 2 a l'heur!!!
Send the petition to Al Gore. He and a pile of other loons are conviced there isnt going to be any more cold in the next year or two!
They are? Really? Well if they are right at least that means we've cut back on our wastefull ways and global warming is starting to slow down... so that would be good... I hope they are right. But I'd rather the polar ice caps remain frozen and we keep warmer weather down here in the parts of the world I live in... global boiling i say. I'm sending my petition to EVERYONE!!!! Gonna get some action! Get Nasa or someone to start controling the weather and keeping it sunny wherever I am!
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