Monday, March 14, 2005

1st 1st in 2005

Scott Gibbons and I went out to Carcassonne to do a Time trial, that was part of a team style duathlon sort of event.
The cold weather has started to move out now and today was a warm and sunny one.
The course was really hilly, with lots of STEEP climbs and lots of courners. It was very hard to ride the course on a Time Trial bike.

We ended the event by standing on the podium. Scott was 2nd, and I was 1st. It couldn’t have been a better finish with both of us so close to each other.

The event was a reassuring test for next week stage race (also very very hilly).

After the race we headed in to the old city of Carcassonne for some tourist activities. That means some visiting, photo taking, but mainly coffee drinking in the cafes.

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