Thursday, May 07, 2009

Rain and wine.

My previous post “tour of Ephrata Summer is here” was a little overstated to say the least… it has done NOTHING but rain the whole time since then! I’ve pretty much been off the bike… watching the rain a falling. Not much to say or report on that. Only about 2 weeks now before I’m back home in Europe… I have Team Time Trial champs in 2 weeks and I’m not even really riding at the moment. But as they say, “c’est la vie”.

In the meantime I’ve been having lots of coffees and going wine tasting. So you really can’t complain about that!!!!


@B king of mtb said...

beuh euh euhh ... on va rouloter biento? tes biento la?

simjetlag said...

Yo AB!
Gaga part demain, moi je par Mardi. J'arrive Mercredi.
Je cours Jeudi et Dimanche je crois.... mais se suis de retour dans notre belle regiong cong!

Je repars le 31 pour 8 jours de boulot velo dans le Pyrenees mais voila koi.

Bon... ca fera du bien de retrouve le Alphonce!!! Ca marche toi?

@B king of mtb said...

ouai cool jai couru quelque xc et une route, cest pas trop mal passé!! jte raconterai @+