Thursday, September 27, 2007



So, what is Cameroon going to be like? I have no idea. I have been trying to find out as much as poss. I thought it was going to be a big sunny, hot dustbowl of a place.. (kind of thing I love)... but from the pics I have found online, it looks more rain-foresty.

Today I had my vaccines and what not... there are a few concerns about Malaria, Chigoungounia, Hepititis, Yellow Fever etc. Oh well, it's all part of the experience I guess. :-) A true adventure.

From what I can find out the race should finish in the city of Yaounde.

Hopefully I will be able to take loads of photos and will have a LOT to write about.

Tomorrow should be a good training day for me. Though I still have a fair few things to take care of before leaving. I need to get my back checked out just to be sure. Sort of some bike stuff, train, race sunday...

I spoke to my buddy Darren this morning who is in Germany for the World Champs. He was suggesting I rest a Land Rover and drive down from Cameroon to see him in Cape Town after the race. Hmmm.... he said I might need some bribe money for the border posts. Yeah.... I think I'll give that one a miss. As much fun as it sounds... well... need I say more. Typical Darren though. He's a sucker for a totally wild and exotic adventure. Here's wishing him all the best at worlds on Sunday!!!

Here's wishing Darren Lill the best of luck at World Champs. If you wanna know a little more about Darren, check out

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