Today I spoke to the DS. I got a little more info on the Tour of Cameroon. We are actually leaving Wednesday, spending Wednesday night in Paris, and flying out early Thursday morning. We then race Friday.
Friday's race is an Elimination Crit. Noone seems too sure about what that is. Sounds like the last rider across the line each lap is eliminated... not sure if some riders are aliminated from the entire stage race or what. I hope it isn't a bad crit... everyone reading this know how deep my hatred of crits runs... and that's mainly due to the fact that I suck at crits.
I'm thinking they can't eliminate you from the actual stage race or they won't have hardly any riders left. Soo... in theory then the riders "eliminated" from the elimination race will actually do less distance... so my thought so far is that I might be able to spend the afternoon drinking a beer and recovering to try and pull off a good stage the next day. Of course it will never be that simple. I guess we'll find out how it all works when we get there.
This means I'll actually have a full day (tuesday) up in Chateauroux to replax, so that will be good. As very motivated and excited as I am for Cameroon, the season has been long and I am exhausted. I'm having a bit of trouble finding motivation to train and am really looking forward to having a week or 2 of "vacation".
Of course "vacation" is all relative as when I return from Africa there'll be a LOT of Bikestyle work to do, and maybe some more journalisme with the Tour presentation and such things.
Today's training:
Today's training went well. I did 1 TT interval and 4 hill reps. TT interval was over 340Watts, at only 160pbm I was pretty happy with that.
The 4 hill reps were around 400 Watts (shorter that above int), so.. I'm feeling so so, but the numbers are good and the results have been there... So...
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