Monday, January 07, 2008

Gealle: a better Roo hunter than me!

Oh, but something I do have to mention. On Gaelle's first full day here, we went out for a spin and on the way back Craig took us past the University. He said you can often see Kangaroos there. And crikey was he right. There were hundreds. Eating, sitting, play fighting it was amazing. The university was closed for X-mas, so the roos were out. But even though these roos are wild, we were able to get pretty close to them. This was a stunning first day for Gaelle who go to see and get real close to real, wild Aussie Roos! Later in the week she got to stroke a roo, but that was in the zoo, so a little different. In her short time here we also go to see Koalas, which as just the cutest animals, and we both fell in love with Wombats. They are so cute and cuddly... Great stuff!!!

This chap hasn't forgotten it's an Olypmic year!

Wombats: real live teddy bears!

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