Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Sim in Spanish?!

Thieves steal Sim's stuff

So apparently one of my articles has been deemed worthy of translating into Spanish. Believe it or not it is my mother who somehow came across my translated article for a Chilean Triathlon publication. It's kind of cool to see people are reading my dribble and think it is worth translating, but it would be even cooler if people at least asked for my permission. Needless to say I'm not getting any "royalties" or payment for this translated article (which you can find here: http://green.simeon.neuf.fr/article_in_spanish.htm )

These guys aren't the first to steal some of my work without paying or asking me for permission. One of my photos recently popped up on Chechu Rubiera's website ( http://www.chechurubiera.info/amigoscontadornotebook.html see Bulletin 13). Seeing as this is a rider's web-site (and not just any rider) I must admit I don't quite mind as much as you have to respect the guy for his achievements.

At least both thieves had the somewhat dubious decency of crediting me for the stolen work. If I were American I guess I'd start a law suit... Ahhh, them yanks! :-)

Next time you want something, just ask me first... and pay me a mass of cash ;-)


Anonymous said...

Simeon, you have our unreserved apologies.
We don't make money from this website, we're just fans. We always credit when we know photographers, see home page (scroll to bottom).
Your photo's gone. Pity, it was a good one. Contador's Notebook gets 1000s of views. If you'd let us know, we would have put a link to you.
Apologies once again. Happy New Year, hope it's a good one for you.
Nicky, chechurubiera.info

bellmartin said...

Hi, Simeon,

nicky was nice to apologize for using your photo, but the blame is mine. Apologies for using it without your permission.

It was a great photo, the best introspective face shot of Contador at the Tour presentation.

Best to you,

R.L. Bell

simjetlag said...

Like I said guys, I'm not too worried about it as it's a rider web-site, you can put it back on, I give you permission this time. :-)