Saturday, October 10, 2009

Battling sickness

Not feeling 100%, but fully aware that I only a few days before leaving the country to get in one last loop of my favorite ride of all time, I headed out on Wednesday afternoon for a 4.5 hour 140k loop that takes you around the walled cities of the area and over into the Saint Antonin Valley. I wasn’t feeling really up to it, but it was a sort of pilgrimage. I love that loop, and it’s the ride I miss whenever I got away anywhere. Knowing I wouldn't get to ride it for at least 3 months. It had to be done. I felt heavy the whole time but enjoyed my ride and got home feeling pretty drained and satisfied.

Right after my ride I had a quick shower and went off to have a vaccination. Quarter of an hour after getting my vaccination I awoke on the floor, unaware of where I was and very confused. I had evidently passed out. I do hate needles but this was a bit odd. At 3am in the morning I awake suddenly to the room spinning around me. 1.5 hours of throwing up later, I fell back asleep. I spent the next day in bed, throwing up on and off and unable to eat of hold anything down. A visit to the Doc’s later in the day revealed no head trauma, but also didn’t give a clear answer.

Thankfully the day after I was able to hold down a little food, but the horrible spinning room was still there, followed by nausea.

There’s a chance I might have thrown out a vertebrae during my unconscious tumble, and so I have an osteopath appointment on Monday afternoon. Until then however I’m unable to ride, and still get a little dizzy when standing or moving. And with that I only have a couple days before getting on the plane to the US. So I’m really hoping I’m at least stable by Tuesday’s very early flight out of Toulouse. Oh well, we’ll see. Needless to say my race on Sunday is off. Though hopefully I’ll be at least able to take the start of the Winchester CycloCross race on the 18th.

What a giggle it all is. But hey, at least I can watch Paris Tours on Sunday!!! Every cloud has an ever-so-slightly less gray lining.

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