Saturday, March 25, 2006

lots of.. stuff

What a busy week. School work is piling up... Last week I got in a nice 15hours of training (which beats the previous week's 3 hours total) and did race that new Ferrus bike. It felt pretty good. Not much to talk about race wise yet. Last weekend one of our main guys flatted, so I waited for him and helped him get back in. Sadly my race was pretty much over then and I did the rest of the race alone in a 4 or 5o man group. But I had done my job, so that's what matters. I finished in 104th place (out of 150), the rest of the team (the leaders) didn't do as well as expected, but we had a 2 or 3 guys in the top 20. Once again it was a windy race.

This week the weather has been fairly good, so despite the ever growing school work and the country wide strikes and marches against a new government law they are trying to bring in, I got in 13 odd hours of training. I'm still just mainly doing miles. I'll start doing intervals later in the year. If I hope to keep racing into November, December, January in Australia, I don't want to be fit any time soon.

JP came down and spent a few days here. He got he new team bike a couple days ago, so he built that up and we did a bit of riding.

Local frame builder Andouard leads JP (on his new bike) with Alphonce in full preparation for the MTB National Championships

The View of Albi as we head down the hills that serround the Cathar city

Apart from that not much to say except to watch out for Scott Gibbons telling people to wear their helmets on their way to the toilet at races (Scott has joined the dark side of cycling by becoming a USCF official.) Now remember Scott.... I've put you up in my house ENDLESS times, so.. next time I'm over there, I don't care where I finish, YOU have to declair me the winner!!! Got it?!? :-)

And a final message goes out to Mitch (the only perseon who ever reads this I'm sure) who has been so hard at work he hasn't been able to surf the web. Work work work.. that's all very well, but those mountains aren't going to climb themselves Mitch (that said neither is the corporate ladder).

Mitch climbs the corporate Tourmalet

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