Saturday, August 06, 2005


I’ve spent a couple of strange days. I’ve been feeling tired, and I’ve also been watching 2 guys I’ve been racing with for a few years do their first pro race with AG2R. Both are local guys. Some people are just really talented and exceptional in this sport, but I don’t believe these guys are. I’ve had a hard time seeing them get results in their first pro, when just a few weeks ago I was racing with them, and they are not exceptional. I’m really jealous. Even though I’ve decided to finish school, and I haven’t been training properly, I’m still jealous.

Anyway; today I went out for a ride with Stephane. I’ve spent the last 2 days doing intervals. It really hurt doing intervals after spending 3 weeks with doing very long but also very low intercity rides. I met Stephane at the café in Gaillac, and we sat and had a coffee for a little while, watched the world go by etc. Then we got on the bikes and did my much loved Bruniquel loop where you ride along the tops of hills with great views, before plummeting down into the Aveyron gorges. It was a great sunny day. I did a bunch of 30second 450W intervals on the climbs and felt pretty good. Once we headed back into Gaillac after 80k, I left Stephane and prolonged the ride a little. So I did 4.5 hours, about 120k. I really enjoyed the ride and felt pretty good. It was one of those rides that you long for for months… the kind of ride that reminds you what riding should really be about: great views, good fun, good company etc.

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