Thursday, April 20, 2006

school soon done!

LAst week I had got a good bit of riding in. Then JP's parents arrived in town on Friday. It was a great to meet them. Really nice people! They came to our race on Monday. It was the highest ranked race before getting into UCI Continental Tour stuff. I actually had a pretty good race for once. Considering the level I wasn't planning on finishing. So I attacked from the gun. I ended up finishing 25th, which in a race of that level made me feel pretty good about myself to say the least. That morning there had been a women's French Cup race on the same course. Sadly we didn't get to see that.
I don't even know if I will be racing this weekend yet. I wasn't supposed to. But after my race on monday, they might kick someone else of the team for the Tour du Lot et Garonne and put me in. These bigger races limit the amount of riders you can enter, so that everyone has to show up with a 9 man team or something like that. So we'll see. In a way I would be pretty happy not to race. I kind of need to know what I am doing in advance and prepare myself mentally during the week. It is also the regional MTB champs on sunday, and I would really like to go and watch Alphonce race. He has been planning his season around this, and he hope to win it. It will also be part of the final selection for the National Championships for him.
Apart from that things are getting hectic here with school work. Exams finish on May 19th at 12:30... I fly out of Toulouse at 15:15 for Milan. The exams are just around the corner, so the work load is really pilling up.
Well there you go, that's pretty much it for now. Not much else to say except that it is really nice and sunny out there. Summer is on it's way for sure.
A quick thank you goes out to Scott who has been really supportive of me, has always had a kind word to help in racing and school etc... and who obviously always brings in a very interesting political comment regardless of the subject.
Thanks mate!
PS: JP has returned to the US for 2 weeks. His flight over was a mess. He might do the Ephrata stage race in PA. So if anyone sees him out there, give hhim a yell and a shout!

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