Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I'm going to Oz!!

The last few days in Cameroon where fun. The first day after the race pretty rained all day, so we got pretty bored sitting in the hotel room, but the next day we went out to some of the markets and had a good look around. Oh yeah, and we had a big resentation with the sports minister, TV etc etc. But I'll tell you about that some other time. They gave us all gifts, so I came home with a nice big wooden mask! Since then I have been taking time off the bike, and have even started running a bit. Well, I've been twice. On Sunday I went out for 3.5 hours with a group ride here in Chateauroux. A guy from Cameroon told me about it, so I met him there. We had a good ride and a good chat about our time in Africa.
The ride started stupid early. I was out there riding to the meeting point just as the sun was coming up. It was still pretty dark as I walked out the door. Would you believe it was MINUS 3 degrees!!! I couldn't believe it. I only have my riding clothes from Cameroon with me. All my warm clothing is back home down south. I put on everything I had, and froze as you can imagine.

The rest of my time has been spent on the phone and looking for hotels preparing for the 2008 Tour de France trips with Yep, it's time to think of the Tour already. Tomorrow I will be going up to Paris to cover the Tour Route presentation for

The Big news however is that I got my work Visa for Australia!!! It was surprisingly easy. I am really excited about spending the winter in the land of Oz. I will really make the most of the good weather, and will get in some great training over there ready to hit the 2008 season full on.

I've also recently been working on my web-sites that has been in the works for a while, I just don't really have time. In fact it is all far from finished, but what can you do. :-)

Well, remember to keep yourself riveted to your computers tomorrow with the TdF08 route unveiling... I'm guessing they will go around France, hit some mountains, and then finish it all off in Paris. ;-)

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