Sunday, March 08, 2009

Travels gone wrong...

Travel.. what a great thing.

So... I flew from Brisbane to Sydney... and that was fine, but from there things started going wrong. Because of the short time and a crappy bus transfer between so-called terminals in Sydney I missed my connecting flight from Sydney to LA. So right now I'm sitting in San Francisco airport, waiting for another connecting flight to Washington DC. 5 hours in San Fran, with nothing to do but do a few loops of the airport on the "Terminal Train" and travel is starting to loose it's sex appeal. My next flight gets me into Washington DC at 1am. almost 5 hours later than my original arrival time. Needless to say no one can pick me up in DC at that unearthly time in the morning... So I'll wait until my good buddy Greg (the former United Pilot turned control tower guy) starts work at 5am. I'll steel his car, head home, go for the 8am morning ride... then go and pick Greg up from work once he's done as I will have his car.
Ain't life great. Hey, you know what... apart from the fact that I'm getting dizzy right now through lack of food and sleep, these are the things in life that make our lives an adventure. If it's too easy it isn't fun!

Still.. the fact that as I type this the Mooloolaba group are sitting at the Prom' in Caloundra sipping coffees in the sun by the ocean before being drilled home at Jeff Lydell's hell-raising pace and sprinting for 60 signs doesn't do much to help me appreciate San Fran Airport much more.

Spriting for 60 signs in Mooloolaba Australia, beats sitting in an airport for 5 hours after 16 hours of flying with another 5 hour flight to go...

What next, we'll see... who knows what the future holds.

Until next time (or the next airport) Cheers for now!


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately theres a cyclone so no riding at the moment. Still its better than airport lag.

Anonymous said...

pas cool...

Anonymous said...

do you know what day it is now? year? welcome back!

simjetlag said...

ERmm... I'm still not sure to be honnest. Technically it's still the day after tomorrow of last week. I haven't left Australia yet and I've been here 2 days. I'm sleeping during the day and riding during the day. When it's time to get up, I'm allready up, when it's time to go to bed, I'm just getting up. Tuesday is Wednesday, the weekend falls in the middle of the week and my watch is meaningless.

I think that just about sums it up!

Anonymous said...

HUmmmm interesting.......

simjetlag said...

Alphonce... mec: 1 cadre cassee, une roue cracker, et en plus il neige ici... enchouki... je veux retourner en Australieeeee!!!! :-)

Pour le cadre la companie aerienne me fait un cheque, donc atention Nouveaux Specialized Tarmac pour Sim. J'ais fait 145 bornes sur le cannondale casse, mais bon... Enfin voila koi... :)

Alors le CX???? dis moi tout!

Anonymous said...

humm tarmac!!!!! tres tres tres bon choix!!!!!!! moi je viens de me faire un roubaix... on va se la pétée sur les routes !
cx sont finis cest xc maintenan g fait 6ème à Montredon dimanche dernier. Moi d'avril chargé, je cours tous les dimanches dont le 5 sur route... tu rentres quand?
