Tuesday, January 13, 2009


For some reason Coffee seems to be very important to 99.9% of bike riders. Some Pro riders such as Freddy Rodriguez even have their own brand of coffee. So after a nice endurance ride with some hill repeats this morning, a mate of mine I ride with over here in Sunny Australia took me up to a fantastic little specialized coffee shop for an afternoon of sipping Black Gold.

We call him... Coffee Luke... obviously his first name is "Luke", his second names is... well, no one really cares, it may as well be Coffee, because the man knows his stuff, and good lord does he like the black drug!

Coffee Luke (right) was our guide for the day

This little coffee shop is up in a town called Yandina (another one of those amusing sounding Australian names, that probably means something like "Tree of the Setting Sun", or "Mouth of crystal river" in Aborigine.

The place has that lovely "specialized" feel to it that you only get in those now all too rare dedicated and (here's the key word) PASSIONATE places.

Pioneer Coffee is just plain cool!

So here's thanking the great guys guys up at Pioneer Coffee (and here's a shameless plug for them... http://www.coffeeroastery.com.au/ ) for endless cups of coffee and a good case of the jitters for the rest of the afternoon. Thank you also to them for showing us some very interesting brewing methods.
A big thank you of course to "Coffee Luke" for showing us the place!

I've never seen THAT before... there's SO much I don't know... This thing is called a Vacuum Pot... pretty cool!


Anonymous said...

Luke moonlights at Brothers in Brisbane during the week, well from Wednesday to Friday.

simjetlag said...

Yeah? He's funny. Cool guy. Was really nice of him to take us up there.

What you guys up to? Doing the old Work thing in Brizzy? Riding much?

Anonymous said...

yeh, the 'old work' thing in Brisvegas is pretty much it. starting to ride again. you should come down and visit...

simjetlag said...

I should... though last time I was in Brizzy all we did was ride BIKEPATHS over and over... I don't do bike paths! Wasn't a fan of that. Lawrie keeps telling me there's good ride in Brisbane, but he should know better! He knows where I live. :)
YOU guys should come up HERE! Now that's more like it!