Sunday, February 19, 2006


Today Alphonce called at some unearthly time in the morning to tell me he and Andouard (the custom frame manufacturer) were going on a ride and they'd come by and pic me up. By the time I had realized that annoying ringing was the phone, it was too late. So I got up in a daze, called him back and found out I had to eat and get my ass in gear pretty quickly to be ready in time.

So 5 of us rolled out for an EARLY ride. After about 20 mins it started raining on us big time. We were totally soacked. To make things worse I felt like crap on the bike. I could hardly pedal. After about 1 hour I loosen up and started to feel pretty good. I left the group in Albi and headed hom alone pushing pretty hard to get in a good workout. Not only was I now feeling pretty good, but the heavens seemed to copy me.. it turned from miserable rain to blinding sunshine. In fact the whole day has been that way. Rain, sun, rain ,sun, rain.

Hopefully JP didn't get any rain on the races down in the Basque country today. He just called to say they were on their way home. He should be back around 10 or 11pm.

I asked how the races had gone, he said "not too bad, erm.. interesting.. I mean, whatever, I'll tell you about it when I get back...". So there you have it. About as vague as it can be.

I'm tired.. hungry too. Ugh, tomorrow is school again. Pfff.... hey, at least the weather is slowly getting better these day. Woohoo, won't be long before we'll be riding in the sunshine and getting skin cancer. Sweet.

There's a big party/night out/ thing on thursday for all the English majors... I don't know if I'll go. PRobably not, it'll mean getting home later, not being able to drink cos I'll be driving.. ugh. It would be cool to let everything go for once though. I know if I go I'll get plastered, spend the night god knows where, then regret it because I can't ride as well the next day. Riding is much more fun than drinking.. yeah, I'll go riding, screw the night out!

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