Saturday, September 26, 2009

Back Pain and a Postmants TT bike

My back troubles of a few years ago seem to have returned to haunt me. I’ve been suffering from back pain for about a couple weeks now. I have an appointment with Osteopath on Tuesday, but in the mean time Its affecting my breathing and seems to be bringing back my Asthma condition that I seemed to have somewhat fought off by avoiding cold winters.

Seeing as my back is killing me I seem to have spent the last couple weeks constantly changing my TT position. I know that’s probably the worst thing you can do, but it was really too painful and uncomfortable, so I had to do something, at least to convince myself psychologically that I had made an “improvement” if nothing else. After a lot of messing around, I think I have finally found the solution. My TT bike looks more like a French Postman’s delivery bike with the bars jacked right up in the air. It feels fairly comfortable like that, but who know what it will actually yield on the day. Tomorrow is yet another TT and I guess we’ll find out how I go. Needless to say I’m not exactly over-confident. There’s a few other issue which I think may not have helped. I really can’t get myself fitted right to the Jamis. Aside from the fact that the wheelbase is slightly outside the UCI regulations (but no one has checked it at a race yet, fingers crossed that they don’t), I’m also starting to feel that Jamis designed this bike primeraly with Triathlon in mind. The bike really doesn’t handle well in tight corners or through towns, and it seems as if it’s been designed around people sitting very far forward (which seems to improve the handling somewhat). Most TTs start and finish in town and have tight and tricky sections, whereas Triathlons are generally longer and far less technical, reducing the importance of how the bike handles other than in a straight line. And in a straight line the Jamis is stable as heck! Either that or all TTs are flat and straight around Jamis HQ (which I assume in the US and probably in CA somewhere)… anyway.. there you go.

TT time tomorrow, so we’ll see.

As high as my TT bars are, at least they aren't as bad as this guy's with the Trek who clearly needs to be a different bike!

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