Sunday, March 23, 2008


Similarly to the cold bottles of Chill beer that filled Shep's fridge, the Chill here is just as cold, just as wet, but nowhere near as refreshing.

Today is supposed to be my first race, but I'm debating "weather" to go or not. The temperatures are WAY below normal for this time of year, and they are calling for snow today. The race is slightly further south in the general direction of the Pyrenees... so snow is more likely down that way. I feel like a massive slacker if I don't go though.

Winter Lingers

(click on pic for larger image)

If only someone in Australia had bought my Ferrus bike, I might have enough money to fly back over for a few more weeks and avoid this cold spell. Actually, someone yesterday said: "You could have extended your stay, just changed your ticket to come back a couple weeks later." I could have killed them! Why didn't I think of that???? Of course Shep would have probably had a heart-attack at the idea, having put up with me for 4 months, I think 1 or 2 more weeks would have been the straw that broke his back.

I've got in a couple rides, but nothing major, the motivation to go out there and pound out some solid training miles has dropped as quickly as the mercury in the thermometer. Instead I have resorted to drinking coffee and eating chocolatines (French breakfast pastry).

I still don't have my car. It is down at Lawrie Cranley's in his garage in Mazamet. I should go and get my beloved red rust-bucket today. Jump leads will be the order of the day as it will take a good hour I reckon to get the old beater going.

Ohhh, coffee calls!

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