Thursday, March 13, 2008

Snaking through Australia

Over the past couple weeks of riding around I seem to have come across a fair few snakes. Being a total tourist I can't resist stopping, getting as close as I can without soiling myself, and taking pictures. Sadly I haven't been able to get pics of a lot of the snakes, either because there are too many cars for me to stop, or because I'm just too tired on the bike, or because my photo-subject is a little too feisty and scary for me to get close enough for a pic on my tiny little cell-phone camera. Craig (AKA Stig) keeps taking the piss out of me for stopping to take pictures of "road-kill" as he puts it (even when they are alive), but what does he know, he takes pics of graveyards and buildings when he's in France... Tourists.

This bright green/yellow blighter was pretty much on the front doorstep

Stripyus Snakeus

Biggus Buggery

I've been getting a fair few miles in. Although they called for yet more rain, this week has actually been quite nice. I'm still not in race shape, but after a few races of sitting in and getting in the rhythm for training, I should hopefully be fit for May... hmmm.. famous last words. Time will tell.

I can't believe it is less than a week before I leave now. I've really had a great time and I'm going to miss a lot of people here. I am thus going to make the most of my final few days here and spend all day sitting at the cafe with whoever is stupid enough to want to sit there with me.

I'm really looking forward to that 30 hour flight. :-(

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