Thursday, January 26, 2006

Freezing weather for new coach Sim...

Not a bad day today. I had a fairly relaxed morning, taking care of some stuff around here. Then Alphonce came over, we had a coffee etc and dusted off the bikes for a little ride. It has gone cold again here, so it was 2 degrees (Celcius!)... we wrapped up warm and I cracked out the new Ferus road bike for a pretty hard 85k in the cold. We worked hard in the cold and the wind, and felt pretty dead by the end. The bike feels good. I need to adjust my seat position and stuff, but I'm happy. However the Aluminum frame is pretty stiff, so when we do races in the hills (Pyrenees) with real descents and corners, I'll revert to my trusty Ti bike that corners like it's on rails... the rear triangle is much better for those FAST corners on bad roads.

Once home I wanted to eat and heat out for another little spin on the TT bike, but Alphonce was pretty dead, so we ate and called it a day.

For anyone interested I will be joining the Peaks Coaching group as a coach in about May time. I look forward to joining the gang, and hopefully helping some Virginia riders improve their riding and or racing. I'm pretty excited about this, I think it'll fun and interesting work!

An easy day tomorrow and some seriouse pain and suffering on Sat and Sun. The weather is called for freezing temperatures and rain thoughout the weekend, so I'm not looking forward to it. I'm not actually supposed to go out if it is below 5degrees as it messes with my lungs and affects my asthma long term... so we'll see what happens this weekend at training camp Part 2.

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