Thursday, November 08, 2007

C.C.C. (Cold Cyclo Cross)

Cyclocross season is upon us

Yep oh yeah, it's that time of year again. The leaves are falling, the mornings are misty and the temperature has dropped like a led balloon, yep, the CycloCross season is back!

After very little riding these past few weeks due to a much needed rest, I embarked Sunday on some winter cycling craziness. Seeing as it is only a week until I leave for Australia, I wanted to get in a couple Cyclocross races before leaving. Not because I need the racing... in fact that's about the last thing I need. I need to train before I can start racing. I wanted to get in a couple Cross races because this is the only chance I'll get this season.

I knew it was be very hard an painful, and that it would take a good few weeks of specific CX training before I even started to feel OK on the CX bike, but what the heck, a bit of fun playing around in the mud couldn't do any harm.

The race was fun, I felt like I did miserably, and although my placing was far far from anything to write home about (15th), I was actually surprised and how easily and comfortably my HeartRate went up and dealt with the race.

I need to do a little work on my CX bike because I ended up with big blisters on my hands. I never used to get blisters back when I raced CX properly, so I feel pretty sure it is a set-up issue.

Next Sunday I will do another CX race at "Le Fousseret" with my buddy Alphonce who I haven't seen for a while, and the Sunday after that.... it's Oz here I come!

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